Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sitting To Death

I am a confused man (again). Don't tell me to "sit down" and relax, because what confuses me is the so called research that says sitting is bad for humans. Yep! They say that people who sit too much have "sitting disease". I think we are supposed to stop saying "sit down and relax" and substitute "stand up and live longer" instead. Data research from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center was just released that says that sitting cuts off as many years of life as smoking. I suspect the sitting research people may have been smoking something that made them bleary headed when they concluded that, but it is what they claim.

Supposedly, if we spent less than three hours a day sitting, it would add two years to our average life expectancy. I am not sure if office employees will start typing while standing up, or if standing too much shortens lives too. But it seems impractical. And, the research says, that if you like to sit on the couch and watch TV for more than two hours a day you can add about 1 1/2 years to your life.

Pennington claims that sitting is as much of a risk to health as not only smoking, but being obese. I guess the fat, smoker who sits on his couch and watches reality TV is headed of a quick death. But then, anyone who watches that much reality TV is already brain dead. Sigh..first they wanted to take away my fatty food and sweets, then they told me I have to exercise vigorously every day, and now they tell me I can't sit and be lazy. What's next...a ban on donuts!

There is no food, drink or activity that some study won't say is killing us. It's crazy, and I suggest that we kill the studies instead. When we live our lives the way we wish and the way we most feel comfortable, most often we will live the best and longest because we eliminate the stress the researchers place on us to live up to their beliefs. I am not going to take this "sitting down"! As far as I am concerned those researches can just sit on their studies.

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