Monday, January 16, 2012

Napping, Napping, Napping, Gently At My Door

I like to take naps whenever I feel the need. I haven't yet napped while writing here, but it might be a good idea for both of us if I did. I could wake refreshed and you might not receive the nonsense I write because I will have forgotten what I was writing about in the first place. This is proof that naps are a good thing for both of us.

I think the reason I take naps is because my sleep apnea only allows me about 5 hours sleep each night. So I need to nap in order to make up for the lack of sleep. The sleep experts term my kinds of naps, which range from 10 minutes to about 40, as "power naps". I like this term because I am mad for power, not only when awake, but when asleep. That power nap is a one that is used to compensate for sleep deprivation (I wish they would call it "power sleep deprivation" so I could be even more powerful).

Power naps are those which end before the onset of a deep sleep. This keeps the person who is power napping from sleeping deeply, which would interfere with his or her normal bedtime sleep. It also allows the napper to feel refreshed, almost as if mimicking a deep sleep. I write all of this so you will know I am a power napper, who is sleep deprived and therefore, not responsible for the stupidity you read from me. I take my power napping to be sort of like the insanity plea that a mass murderer uses to escape punishment. Gee, I really am not guilty of stupidity!

I also like the association with the famous people who also power napped. This probably won't rehab my bad reputation, weak character and general indolence, but it surely makes me feel better about myself. Winston Churchill was a power napper. Hmmm Maybe I am as good as Winston was. Well, I think I am showing another of my deficits, that of irrationality and inability to make analogies or sound conclusions. Winston would probably slap me for even suggesting we are alike. If I were lucky he would be too tired to slap and, instead, just take a power nap.

Other famous people who regularly power napped every day just like me (yes I know, but were altogether superior to me) include former President Lyndon Johnson; Napoleon Bonaparte; former President John Kennedy; the world's great inventor, Thomas Edison; painter Salvador Dali; and one of my least favorite presidents, Ronald Reagan.

You may be tired now and need a night. I just hope after reading this drivel your nap doesn't turn into a nightmare.

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