Friday, January 27, 2012

Going To The Dogs

I thought I had heard of every type of crime, until today. It seems a woman named Jennifer Thomas in nearby Woodland, Washington claims her pet bulldog, Jagger has been kidnapped and held for ransom. But it's not just money the dog nappers (I wonder if that is word?) want. They demand both $1000 and the owner's prescription medications. Jennifer was in an accident that left her in a wheelchair and dependent on the medicine the dog nappers want.

Hmmm Well, this is all according to Jennifer's claims. She also said the thieves will torture her dog to death and send her a video of it if she reports the threat (she obviously has reported it to police and the media because I know about it to report this to you ... and I don't nap dogs for money and drugs). It makes me wonder a bit, not that I might be kidnapped, because no one would bother and no one would pay a ransom. In kidnap priority I am way below dogs like Jagger.

But I wonder about the perpetrators (if this story is real and not just in the imagination of Jennifer). How stupid must they be? Or perhaps they are just drug addicts acting irrationally in response to the need for a fix. It's weird someone would risk going to jail for stealing a dog, threatening to torture the dog and trying to extort money from the owner. Don't they have a ski mask and a gun they can use to rob a bank?

If caught and convicted the dog nappers will be sent to prison, but how will they explain their incarceration to the other thugs inside? There is a priority of respect one gets from the type of crime he or she committed that led to the incarceration of the convict. For example, the murderer is taken more seriously than the person who molested a child (who usually are molested themselves by some of the other prisoners as a sign of disdain for the crime they committed, since even prisoners don't like that kind of crime and have some crimes listed as unacceptable).

I wonder what the other cons will think of the dog nap, ransom and extort for drugs who took Jagger from Jennifer. They may see it as more equivalent to child molesting than as a "real crime". So what kind of crime are the dog nappers committing against Jennifer? Is it a crime of desperation for money, drugs or both? Is it a crime of stupidity
(amateur wanna be criminals trying to commit a lame crime)?

Or perhaps kids attempting a bad joke toward Jennifer? It just makes me want to bite somebody (but then that's a lame crime too)...

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