Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let's Get Rid Of January

My favorite month December, has come and gone. I waved good-bye to Santa, bought some extra Christmas sweets for later indulgence, and grimaced as boring January appeared. Hmmm Maybe we have one month too many. I refer to January. It might be better to just take those 31 January days (why do they always give the worst months the most days?) and drop and drag them (and you thought I was low tech!) into December. Surely, Santa would love the extra time for delivery and the world's bakers, caterers and restaurants would make a fortune on the extra holiday food binges in which we all love to participate.

If you think January is exciting and I am loony, I dare you to find the holidays in January we can have fun celebrating. Just take a look at what January tries to pass off as holidays.

Jan 3 Humiliation Day- I humiliate myself ever time I write stupidity here. I don't need a day to celebrate it.
Jan 4 Flower Basket Day- I'll only celebrate that when women start to give men flowers.
Jan 6 Cuddle Up Day- There are some people I absolutely don't want to cuddle with. Hmmm Better lock myself inside that day.
Jan 8 Bubble Bath Day- What do people do if they live in a place with no tub. Can you take a bubble bath in the shower?
Jan 10 Houseplant Appreciation Day. Time to tell your ficus plants you really care.... if all the flowers you got on Houseplant Appreciation Day haven't already died because you forgot to water them.
Jan 11 Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day. This, I believe, is followed by Push Fred off the Cliff Day or some such other violent act against those we love.
Jan 13 Blame Someone Else Day and Friday the 13th Day. Hmmmm Don't we blame someone else every day, and what month would be so boring as to celebrate the unlucky Friday 13th?
Jan 17 Ditch New Years Resolutions Day. I made one about 7 the morning of New Year's Day and broke it at 7:01 am That's about normal for resolutions
Jan 24 Compliment Day. It's my favorite holiday where is my compliment? I guess I ask too much....

I did leave out a few holidays that are significant, Chinese New Year and Tet Day for example, but they fall in February as much or more than in January. So, have I made my case about the end of January? Are you ready to transfer January into December?

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