Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Egyptian Uprising

The Egyptian disaffected are still protesting and rioting for "freedom". Isn't it amazing to see the world's oldest civilization even mentioning the word democracy? I doubt they will bring forth any real democracy. I am more inclined to believe they will have another nutty Islamic government with sham facades of a "democratic constitution" will arise.

One thing I like about this latest world crises is that the U.S. is sitting and watching instead of jumping into and interfering. I have to give Obama credit for this reaction. Unlike the policy of Cowboy Bush the U.S. now seems to have learned that it does not benefit from manipulating governments in third world nations. The "Oh, he is a dictator, but our dictator" mindset is no longer a viable policy toward emerging countries. It's the first time that I can remember in a while that a revolutionary movement in a poor despotic nation hasn't featured the usual "Down with the U.S." signs and rhetoric. It's rare that the U.S. isn't falsely blamed for the troubles of a failed political system in the third world.

Another unusual thing about the Egyptian revolution is it is being fueled by twitter and face book texts. Even the revolution in Tunisia that started the unrest in the Islamic dictatorships in the Mid East, was made possible only by communication through internet sites that the government can not fully block or censor. Technology today makes total blackouts impossible, and this will make revolutions easier to plan, and propagate.

One might even contend that this is the beginning of the age of "twitter Revolution" that will greatly change islamic dictatorships from one man absolute brutality rule to..whatever will emerge in those nations. Let's hope the new governments are not more of what came out of Iranian revoltuion in the 80's, a crazed fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship.

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