Friday, February 18, 2011

Food Reflects An Area's Population

There is an interesting article on the cnn web site that explains quite a bit about the passion for food in New Orleans, and why I write so much about food. here is the link.

To the side of that article are some others (I didn't read those) about the city's food passion. The subject of food in a city is a broad one, but the kids of food and the quality level of it does tell something about the city as a whole. Places with little passion for food generally are cities that have little passion overall. And the opposite holds true as well. Take Italy and Saudi Arabia as examples of each.

The fire and passion of Italians is reflected in their great food. I can't think of a better place to eat than any town in Italy. I also can't think of more energetic, fun-loving people than Italians. As to Saudi Arabian food and Saudi Arabian people, the opposite is the case. When I list these country names think about their food and the personality of the people that live there. They should match- a low level food matches to less exciting or animated population...a high level food equals a country and people with a high energy level.

Thailand- H, Canada -L, Argentina-H, Egypt-L, China-H, Australia-L and on and on... Sometimes the analogy doesn't fit, as in France. France has a high level of food but a somber population. But overall, the food of a place does tell volumes about its culture and people.

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