Friday, January 28, 2011

Hilarious, But Sad

I have a yu tube link for you, and you will find it very funny. Well, if you are a cell phone addict who bumps into a wall while texting, maybe not. But either way it's hysterical. Here is the link, take a look now.;posts

Yes, she was so preoccupied with her texting at a Pennsylvania mall that she fell into a fountain of water. The only injury was to her pride, as she walked out of the water and, yes, resumed her texting. A mall security guard took the video and, as you can see, recognizing the woman (at first it was reported she was a teenager, but when her identity was revealed BY HERSELF ON NATIONAL TV she is a 40 year old who should know better) from the video is impossible.

But the desire to capitalize on one's own stupidity through litigation is a modern American trait. Yep, she is suing the mall for her embarrassment at her tumble into the fountain. The woman claims that her identity was revealed by the mall tape of her act of stupidity, yet could anyone identify her from the video of her plunge? Certainly not. It was only after appearing in national TV with her lawyer did the world see her full stupidity and realize it was she. It was her choice to disclose her identity, and I'll take a wild guess and say because she wants top profit financially from her incident.

Let's see..first I am so stupid I fall in a fountain because I am preoccupied with my cell phone toys. Then I sue a non winnable case so everyone will know who I am. ... We can only hope her phone was as damaged as her pride. I think she needs a phone to save her from that water seeking cell phone. Haha can anyone doubt that this must be the end of civilization.

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