Sunday, February 13, 2011

Adds We See And Ignore

Seen any pop-up ads on line today? I think the odds are probably, yes. And an even greater odd than that is that you ignored the pop ups ads that were thrown at you. Some ad facts first......According to an Adweek Media/Harris poll, although the internet is considered to be a prime spot to target and reach consumers with those annoying advertisements we are forced to tolerate. When adults were asked which type of ads do they tend to ignore or disregard the most, over six in ten say Internet ads (63%). It seems reasonable to me, because there are some rare cases in which I did read an ad and even followed a link on it.

Among those who often ignore Internet ads, 43% ignore banner ads the most and 20% say that they ignore search engine ads the most. Smaller percentages say they ignore television ads, 14%, radio ads, 7%, and newspaper ads 6%. Only 9% of Americans say they don't ignore any of the listed types of ads. Haha But those must be brain dead people. No figure was given for what must be the most ignored of all, the E mail box spam junk mail ads.

Of course the kind of ad that one would view depends on many things, age sex, occupation, religion etc. The sex of the viewer is one factor that has a strong impact. Women, for example, will look at more clothing ads than men, and men will look at more car ads than women. That's why we get those targeted ads on line so often. You know, we go to a web site that sells computers and for several days we get side banner ads announcing deals on computers.

Adware tracking is efficient. It might also explain why you have those porno ads coming to your home page so often. Shame on you for going to my...err..those sites! I promise not to tell anyone.
One observation I have about ads on line is how we react to them. Because ads have always been on our computers, and to a larger degree than the ads we see on a TV program or listen to on radio, we don't seem to either notice them or mind them as much as we do that when ads run while watching a favorite TV program.. Most people accept on line ads as "part of going on line". They adapt by ignoring many of them.

That's why advertisers track us and bombard us with so many ads, that and the fact that it is much cheaper to advertise that way. But look at the figure I gave above for newspaper ads. Only 6% of people ignore them. This is because we trust newspapers more than we trust electronic medium advertising and many people actively want and seek out newspaper ads . The second oldest medium has the second highest trust factor for consumers, radio ads. Only 7% ignore them. Finally the third oldest medium, TV, has only a 15% ignore figure. (On the other hand, it does have reality TV and the other idiotic programs) This shows we have greater trust in the mediums that have been around the longest.

Haha Only when my newspaper starts advertising breast and penile enlargement, will I lose trust in it. The more stable and conservative ads we find on the older mediums make us more attentive to the content of them. The internet ads are frequently looked on with suspicion because far more fraud takes place through use of them.

So, although 91% of Americans say they ignore some of the ads they see, this does not mean it's a lost cause for advertisers or that we will see fewer advertisements. Rather, companies looking to effectively reach consumers may need to target their messages as well as their chosen medium to best appeal to the desired group. Forget what you are thinking! No, it doesn't meat they so should all send me their penile enlargement pitches.

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