Monday, January 10, 2011

Coyote Invasion

Do you ever see any coyotes there? I have seen coyotes on my street in this mountainside subdivision at night twice since I have been here. But it seems that is more common than I thought. The local newspaper had an article about coyote sightings which indicate they are now a frequent sight even in daylight hours.

Originally Coyotes were confined mostly to the Pacific northwest area of the U.S and parts of western Canada. But now they are being commonly spotted everywhere from Los Angeles to Dallas to some places in Florida. They are one of the few populations of animals that are increasing in number rather than decreasing.

Anyway, the article said that in Oregon people have taken to the idea of seeing coyotes run in their neighborhood because they are quite majestic to look at and offer very little threat to human safety. Because Coyotes like pet food (and will sometimes eat dogs and cats and even breed with dogs), some of the locals are putting dog food out which is attracting the coyotes into neighborhoods in daylight hours. Coyote, by nature never like to appear in the open urban in daylight.

Normally, coyotes eat mice, rats. insects rabbits and other small wild animals. This is good for an urban area. Feeding them dog food though makes them less afraid of humans and more likely to establish a habitat with humans. I think the coyotes I have seen on my street live along the side of this mountain. In a nearby subdivision it is said that animal safety patrols caught a woman actually breast feeding a coyote cub.

At another the whole neighborhood had organized a "feed the coyote" activity to attract the coyotes to their streets. It was so successful that coyotes are said to infest the entire neighborhood. I have dealt with alligators and nutria in Louisiana, but the coyote is a different kind of wild animal invader. It is less a harmful and quite beautiful to see as it lopes through a street, as a speed of as much as 40 kl per hour. I did see a raccoon run along the side of my house when I exited out of the front door one day, and any coyote that would like to eat it for lunch is welcome to graze for it.

Hmmmm I suppose you wish it would eat me instead. No chance of that. I am more than mouthful even for a pack of coyotes, and indigestion is not doubt side effect of eating me as a Coyote Happy Meal.

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