Monday, January 10, 2011

They Banned, What?

Can you guess where this directive came from and what it's about? "Printing and producing any goods related to this day including posters, boxes and cards emblazoned with hearts or halfhearted, red roses and any activities promoting this day are banned," The directive said that "Outlets that violate this will be legally dealt with."

If you lived in the thug-ish religious dictatorship we call Iran, you would. It's the official announcement of a ban on Valentine's Day in Iran. Haha I thought Cuba was harsh when it banned Christmas one year because the sugar cane needed people in the fields gathering it more than they sitting on Santa's lap. Banning Santa Claus in Cuba was bad. Banning love is...well typical of those weird fundamentalist dictators in what was once the enlightened Persia that brought so many cultural and intellectual firsts to the world.

We should have seen this coming, because this is also the country that shaved off the lips of women who dared to wear lipstick and several years ago and even banned music for a time. Music! My goodness.... love, ,lipstick. After banning daytime sex it was only a matter of time that the mullahs would target Valentine's Day. So no Valentine's gifts for Iranian ladies this year. What other normal activity could be banned next? I am guessing it won't be a ban on the nuclear weapons that the Iranians are producing to "spread Islamic love" to us all.

The last man to ditch his Calvin Klein Jeans or sneak an ipod into the mosque is probably the an enemy of God in Iran. Organized religions can be intrusive controlling, violent, irrational......(Ok, enough religion bashing but I have more descriptive adjectives in my semi religious head if you need to read them) But the Iranians are trying for first place in the weird religious practices category.

However, this might be a good trend for we non fanatics if the crazy Muslim dictatorships and terrorists concentrate on banning love as opposed to spreading hate and violence to those who disagree with their view. Perhaps they will stop blowing up innocent "infidels" and murdering dissenting Muslims and instead start a less lethal "ban love" campaign. I think any repression they undertake, even that kind, will satiate their maniacal urge to control others. No more 'Hug you Iman'. Instead it's gonna be 'Slug your Iman if he hugs or loves'.

But there is fun in Islam land too. This holiday season they enjoyed their chestnuts roasting on an open car fire, jihad swiftly snipping off a nose. . . tiny tots with toy guns all aglow. Yes, a good fanatic Iranian Islamic knows how to have fun with his six wives (and at least one is probably 6 years old). At least Child Rape Day hasn't been canceled in Iran.

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