Monday, November 22, 2010

Useless Security Checks

Have you already read enough about the airport pat downs that the U.S. has instituted here? Haha I have more to say abotu it. It's a stupid thing to do because it achieves nothing, but the reaction to it may be even worse and is a sign that Americans still do not understand that the entire "keep me safe from terrorists" charade is the politicians' way of garnering votes from fearful constituents, not a real attempt to make them safer when riding on airplanes.

Travelers, unions, passengers groups and civil libertarians are filing lawsuits and urging boycotts of new airport screening procedures that include machines that see through passengers' clothing, and more aggressive pat-downs by security personnel, which some travelers say amount to fondling or strip searches.

Instead of protesting pointless screen procedures at airports, they cry about invasion of privacy, fondling and strip search procedures. I think they miss the point and are being scammed into paying for an entire procedure that is designed to create an illusion of safety rather than protect them from harm. From putting sky marshalls on planes in 1970 (after Palestinian hijackings) to the strip searches of grandmas today, maybe it finally adds up to the fact that the traveling public has grown weary of an ever escalating series of security measures that are all empty measures in stopping a terrorist attack on board.

First it's passengers' shoes, then liquids, then laptops, then whole body scans and now thorough pat-downs..what's next...nude body cavity searches? Under U.S. law the U.S. government cannot strip search or pat down people unless the government agents have a reasonable suspicion the person they're searching or strip searching is involved in some kind of criminal activity. Why would airports be any different? I think some of the on-going law suits might be won and such idiotic "security" measures be thrown out.

What bothers me more than any specific search method is the fact that Americans are so clue less to how the politician's manipulate them with scares about terrorists and security that are just not true. It would be nice to fly again without the endless searches and checks, and I think no less safely without them. Airport security should screen only those profiled (yes, profiling is sometimes good) as a likely threat and let the rest of the passengers fly as they used to prior to 1970.

It is shocking that so many people here vote for and support the politician who allegedly is "keeping us safe from terrorists"? The fear and gullibility level of Americans is shamefully low. Better that they fear being lied to, and scared needlessly in order to achieve the most sacred of ideal of the politician- getting re elected at any cost.

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