Saturday, November 13, 2010

Face book Fools

Face book is the phenomenon of the past few years. It seems everyone belongs or looks at it at one time or another. It's so popular that the once predecessor of Face book and king of social network sites, myspace, is on life support and has changed from social networking to whatever it is they do and no one notices. The problem is in the popularity of face book we have some people who shouldn't be allowed to be on it, not just the pedophiles and registered sex offenders who have been banned from the site. And , uh, not us (because we are perfect for any site). I swear I don't mean you, me and the other "normal" people out there.

I admit to being registered there, but I do not post many things or participate much. I used to get some movie casting calls from a casting company from Face book, for instance. I had to use it for that and I was introduced to it long ago by an E friend. Most of the time we get sucked into web sites that way. It's not bad, but there are some even weirder people than us on Face book and the rest of those sites.

I'm talking about the people who will say whatever pops into their otherwise empty heads. And those who update their status without thinking and without purpose. People who engage in filthy arguments in pubic on line, who bully others, who discredit with false information by tampering with profiles, who use it to commit fraud they seem to have greater visibility on line at Face book than at ay other time.

So face book and other social network sites gives us a bigger platform for exhibitionism of all a sort, and as a venue for which the crazy can announce their craziness by putting it on display to anyone who wishes to look. Need some examples? Here are a few that were recently posted on Face book.

Deb wrote: "Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night."

Richard wrote: "Crystal hit a nail with her foot now aperently (sic) she has tetris in her foot."

Ashley wrote: "OMG ... OMG... OMG... My baby got my name tatted. Ahhhh ... I'm so excited! Happy 2 Month Anniversary baby! I LOVESS YOUU SOOOO MUCHH!"

Megan wrote: "Thanks for the buttercrotch ice cream.

"Anonymous wrote: "Forgot I was a natural blonde ... Apparently I dyed my hair to my natural color because I am clever."

Andy: "I am the best sniper you have ever seen."Iain responds: "Clearly you're not a good sniper if he's seen you."

Loren wrote: "Everytime someone likes/comments this status Michael has to drink."At least 53 people liked the status. There were at least 34 comments. We bet Michael is still drunk. Or dead.

Emily wrote: "When Erika visited me at Loyola, she put a Starbucks giftcard at the Jesus shrine on campus. Now it's gone. Whoever stole that giftcard is definitely going to hell."

Jack wrote to Eric: "So the girl I've been sleeping with for 3 weeks now just figured out I don't know her name, she went thru my phone and found our text convo where her name was brunette #4."

Haha I rest my case!

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