Thursday, November 25, 2010

Perplexing Headlines

Some observations on the news today. First the triviality question. Why must news givers (newspapers and TV news are the worst offenders of promoting triviality as "news") dumb down to the lowest level of the readers/watchers. Need examples? Here are some of the featured headlines from the national newspaper, U.S. A. Today.

'Prince William, Kate Middleton set Spring Wedding''Exhausted Obama voter from town hall loses job''Black Friday: What tops this year's gift lists?"'MTV glamorizes teen moms in reality shows''Dancing With The Stars finals recap; Is Bristol in position to win?"'Miley Cyrus at 18: She's not a girl, not a woman'

Those are the headlines! Is our world really so trivial that the triviality is of more interest than the important? Sadly, for many it is. Escapism is fine, but first one must know and interact with reality before escaping. Society today seems to be ignoring the important and absorbing itself in the unimportant. Media does reflect the common mindset, so printing and broadcasting such garbage as above is the response to the demand for emptiness.

Among the ten headlines in that paper was nothing about the two wars the U.S. is still fighting, no news about the economic problems in the world, nothing about the mini missile attack by North Korea on South Korea, not a word about the stalemate in the U.S. Congress that is melting down this alleged democracy.... It's all too curious to understand.

A second triviality question concerns the hysterical "Global Warming " theory as reported in a more important story that is buried in that newspaper today. It's about the 12-day United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meetings being held in Mexico. The delegates there, who claim to be concerned about the earth's alleged environmental degradation are following up the bizarre Copenhagen "climate change" meeting and will address three issues; deforestation, cleaner energy, and the rich nations giving money to the poor to pay for global warming projects. What is missing from this meeting, from the earlier Kyoto and Copenhagen environmental meets is the one thing that truly impacts the environment negatively but the poltiical leaders fear addressing- overpopulation.

Oh but I must have forgotten, the world thinks it politically incorrect to tell the underdeveloped world to stop having so many babies, that their overpopulation is the main source of the strain on recourses that causes the pollution of the planet's environment. Better to pretend that humans are changing the climate by using aerosol sprays or driving their automobiles too much.

Hmmm Maybe the climate change meeting story should also belong on the front page headline list. It fits well into the fanciful list above. I suggest it be placed between the headline concerning Sarah Palin's daughter's dancing and Miley Cyrus' identity search. It's about as significant.

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