Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No More Empathy

What is life in 2010? We've never been more connected to the people around us...and uh, maybe we've never been more disconnected, either. Does the anonymity of the Internet, cell phone, Ipod and others drive a wedge between our true self and our virtual persona? Are we now disassociated from the consequences our actions have on others by the screen of the anonymous technology we use?

I wonder if the ego we create on line, for example, is a false one. And is that false ego , if it exist, sometimes destined to become the main ego of the addicted to technology user? One thing I am certain of is that most of society does not see the negatives from their addiction to technology. They have blinders to how it controls their time, and directs their behaviors. The kid in the room filled with 200 different cookies but no adult to stop the eating. Now so gorged on their mindless technology, the users often can't see real feelings from the affected ones they post on their tweets or face book pages.

But if that's how empathy has evolved in this age of technology, I think it's safe to say we're facing a serious social disconnect today that most people do not see or want to recognize. The way we become more human is by paying attention to each other because it shows how much we care. But this technology is only a cursory way of communicating. The depth of the communication when using it is lower and allows us to hide that which we could not shield face to face.

Will this mean a less sensitive population? Is empathy for others becoming more rare? Will the world in which we live in the future be a a sterile one? Does the surge of technology given to us without social sanctions and rules for use make us less human and more like the computers we use? Your turn to give your opinion.

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