Monday, October 11, 2010

Is The President Growing Up?

The Rock Star/Messiah image of Obama is dead. Hallelujah! I think Barrack Obama has landed on a level playing field now and will have to govern with more than smoke and mirrors. Perhaps some substance will return in the presidency. It's about time, for the U.S. has slipped as badly under the Obama regime as it did under perhaps the worst president of the century, George Bush. I am hopeful that Disneyland is gone and we will now have a real world leader. At least the opportunity is there.

During his campaign Obama publicly encouraged all of this bizarre messianic image, with silly phrases like "we are the ones we've been waiting for" and invocations of "hope" and "change" in the hope of getting young idealistic voters out to the polls. It worked and he was elected. But after two years of ineptitude many of those young supporters ( and older ones like me) have abandoned ship. The do not believe the nonsense anymore. Has Obama finally seen it and started to act more presidential and less like a rock star? If not, the U.S will continue to flounder.

Grow up, Mr. President, just grow up and lead. That's my refrain these days. Obama is stunned and disappointed to discover that people who can be won over by fantasy campaigns would at some point expect substance. At least he realizes it. Candidate Obama and President Obama are different people. The "Oh, he was only kidding" syndrome has gotten hold as a result.
Candidate Obama was a bipartisan. President Obama is completely partisan and blind to anything else w but what he wants. Candidate Obama said he was hopeful and he promised change from the awful Bush years.. President Obama has been completely partisan president in the George Bush mold and has steered the most implausible legislation through Congress and into law. Now that Obama realizes he must out up or shut up he is not so hopeful anymore. He's turned into a preaching, finger-wagger who spends too much time complaining about how unfair his critics are, how bad his press is and how his lack of success is all Bush's fault.

The first stage of growing up is realizing it's not all about "me". Obama's critics have instructed him in that and he is now aware of it. But how much will the rock star grow up? Will he finally act presidential and lead to end the dysfunctional "way Washington works" as he promised when campaigning for the job he seems unfit to do.

When I voted for him I gave Obama and a Democratic controlled Congress a chance to fix what they said was broken. They have failed miserably. Please hurry and grow up, President Obama.

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