Saturday, October 30, 2010

No Fault

The other day another local politician got caught stealing money from taxpayers, but he said the expected.... that it "wasn't my a fault". He went on to explain that he didn't know that he was stealing, so it wasn't his fault. If you don't understand what stealing is, how can you be at fault? It's pretty typical today to never take fault for the negative things we do. This "me" generation is one that rarely accepts fault. I often notice that change from years ago when people were self reliant and not fault free....

When I read my newspaper and see a story about one of those awful thugs with which society must deal, the man or woman who deals drugs to kids for instance, his mom is always quoted in the paper as saying, "He's a good boy and would never sell drugs". Then the newscaster would cite the thug's 17 arrests for drug violations, but mom never thought that any of them were his fault. And the mom and dad of the kids who bought the drugs from the thug usually say, "That guy shouldn't have sold the drugs to little Johnny. It wasn't Johnny's fault". I guess mom and dad never thought that Little Johnny had the option to not buy and use them too.

I challenge you to find anyone who admits fault in this No Fault Era in which we live. When we had the big hurricane in 2005 that flooded 70% of all the homes here, the people who did not buy flood insurance (because they tried to save money by doing so) as all are waned to do in flood prone Louisiana, they said it wasn't their fault they didn't have insurance, "I didn't know I needed it" and "They told me not to buy flood insurance", were two common denials of fault. The denial of fault was so convincing to them that they believe their own lies.

Most of the athletes who lose their events at the Olympic Games are No Faulters too. "The course was too slick", "My leg hurts", "The judges favored the team from Russia", " I didn't feel comfortable out there", "My training isn't going well". You've heard those and many more. It would be nice to hear them say the other competitor was better and deserved to win, but that is rare as a used car salesman telling a customer the problems with the cars he sells.

According to parents today kids aren't poor students. The schools are at fault for not teaching better. A murderer isn't at fault. He is just insane or the product of a bad childhood. Big business says it isn't at fault for sleazy tactics that produce those endless defective product recalls. The big government is for not regulating business properly. The Fundamentalist Muslims who blow up innocent people in the name of God say it's the fault of infidels not the crazy Muslims that do the murdering.I trust you know that it's not my fault that I wasted your time writing this stupidity. The Internet demons made me do it.

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