Thursday, October 29, 2009

No Burqas

The massive immigration going on all around the world is quite a mess. Nearly every nation with a higher of development is being invaded by legal and illegal immigrants. Immigration is good, but only when it is regulated and the immigrant is self supporting and skilled in a trade his or her new nation needs. The problem now though is that so many immigrants are not self supporting, educated or skilled. So many of them enter their new nation to escape poverty or oppression back home, not because they can envision adapting to a new culture or even want to. They often want to live in their new culture the same way they did in their former one.

The Europeans have their Muslim invasions, the U.S. has its Hispanic hordes pouring in illegally by the millions, China has an invasion from North Korea, Taiwan from China and so on. The only nations free from the influx are those with geographic isolation and restrictive laws against immigration. And they suffer from the opposite effect, too little immigration of the "good kind" (educated, talented immigrants who willingly adapt to the new culture). In short, the world is in flux because of too much movement of its peoples.

One example of the reaction some of those invaded nations are showing against this wave after wave of immigrants comes from probably the least tolerant culture of all- France. France's immigration minister has proposed a debate on French "national identity," saying it should not include face covering Muslim veils such as the burqa. Minister Eric Besson says "the burqa runs counter to national values." he said, "For me, no burqas in the street."

A French parliamentary commission is holding six months of discussions on the wearing of face- and body covering veils, and some politicians have suggested a ban. Minister Besson also defended a government decision to send illegal Afghan immigrants back to Kabul on charter flights last week. Basically, what France is saying is that if the Muslim immigrants don't like living like those natives of the French culture, then they should return to their countries of origin where they can live freely according to their customs and traditions.

But can a democratic nation enforce "conformity"? I think not . Too, from a practical standpoint there will be no purges of immigrants in France. Does the nation conform to the immigrants or the immigrants conform to the nation? Perhaps it is a mix of both. Whatever it is, cultural clashes between immigrants and natives of their new country are bound to happen more often in the future.

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