Thursday, October 8, 2009

Like, You Know....

If you're like, whatever, don't be surprised if, you know, someone gives you a dirty look, or whatever. Haha No, I don't speak or write that way. But many Americans and speakers of English as a second language ) do. And most people say they don't like to hear that kind of language pollution. But given that the English language has the biggest vocabulary and most complex rules of grammar and use of all languages, it's understandable that some of us fall back into "like" a sloppy usage and grammar.

According to a poll by Marist that asked about some of the specific overused and annoying words and phrases, Americans find "whatever" to be the most annoying word. 47% think so. "You know" is second, at 25%, and 11% selected "it is what it is." The poll says 7% would like to ban "anyway" from all conversation and 2% are fed up with "at the end of the day." But then this misuse depends on age, sex, location and other factors.

For example, have you ever listened to a 14 year old converse with a friend? Good luck interpreting what is said. Only another teen could decipher it. "Whatever"! But I do have a list of some more annoying English phrases to pass on to you today, and perhaps you might give me some of your own.

Problem is, today's slang and overuse isn't even clever as it was in earlier generations. It's probably because people today are less educated and skilled in using their language (our technology has killed it!) . The world/nation now all speaks informally. Formal language (even in writing) is on vacation. I suppose we can already pronounce the coming death of proper language use. "Like", it is on the horizon.Besides the Marist tested words and phrases, tell me if you find these others also annoying:
* You betcha!
* I'm just saying.....
* No problem
* It is what it is
* I hear ya
* We can't afford to wait
* Pre owned
* Senior citizen
* You can clearly see
* Think out of the box
* At the end of the day
* Go with the flow
* The ball is in your court
* I couldn't care less
* What would Jesus do
* Praise the lord
* Have a nice day
* To be honest with you
* I'm so not going
* Carbon footprint
* Global warming
* Oddly enough
* To make a long story short
* Past history
Sigh, even I can't take it anymore. "To be honest with you", I have to stop before your brain dies as mine did.

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