Monday, October 26, 2009

Car Seat Abuse

First a fact, then an anecdotal story to support it. More than 8,700 infants end up in the emergency room each year because their car seats are used improperly outside the car, according to study presented Monday at the American Academy of Pediatrics'. Most of the injuries found by the study occurred when car seats fell off tables, countertops or other high surfaces. In some cases, babies who weren't securely buckled fell out of the seats. Babies also were injured when car seats flipped over on soft surfaces, such as beds and couches, where infants can suffocate. It's a huge problem and I have a quick anecdote for you to show why.

The other day while in a grocery store I was stunned at the sight of a young woman who was pushing her grocery cart with one hand and chattering on her cell phone with the other. She nearly collided into me, as she was completely transfixed (the idiotic giggly smile cell addicts show was on her face) by her telephone conversation. Problem is, her infant baby rested in a car seat on top of the grocery cart, precariously unsecured and an accident waiting to happen. Had she run over me or bumped into another person or a store displace the baby would have fallen off onto the floor. Yet, she seemed unconcerned with her child and totally absorbed with her phone.

No doubt the lady loves her child, but her careless, unthinking behavior is so common today. But car seats aren't a safe way to carry babies for lengthy periods outside the car and certainly should never be placed on top of a grocery shopping cart. Yet, it is a common sight to see now. Too, spending too much time in car seats can cause other problems. Physical therapists are seeing more babies with "container syndrome," or weak muscles and flat heads caused by too much time spent lying on their backs. (No my "weak head/brain" is my natural stupidity...not from car seats).

It seems, sadly, we are a busy society (got to chat on those cell phones) and we don't have time to spend watching and playing with our children. We are to busy consumed with ourselves and our amusements to worry about someone or something outside ourselves, even when they are our most precious gift...our children. If I were a cynical man (Haha Ok, I am) I would simply say that if stupid people weren't allowed to reproduce there would be few of these kinds of accidents.

What do you think?

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