Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween Month Is Here

We have some crisp, cool fall weather now and it motivates me to ride a bike in the neighborhood now. I bought a replacement bike for the one I sold when leaving my home in May, and I have been riding a few times a week (I like doing it at night) for the exercise and because I enjoy the solitude of riding at night. Already I see some homes decorated for Halloween, with orange and black lights and various decorations.

Of course Halloween candy has been out for some time, and I have already started expanding my waist eating chocolate fudge vampires, candy corn pumpkins and assorted other seasonal weight gainers. I always buy the candy I like to eat at Halloween because when there are left-overs after trick or treaters vanish until next Halloween, I can eat what they failed to pick up while trick or treating.

Too, because Halloween is such a strong tradition, the candy makers produce the traditional Halloween candy not seen anymore this time of year or any other. It seems that traditions keep even old time candy (which always tastes better than the newer stuff they make) alive, or at least resurrected once a year.

Some of my strongest memories are of my childhood at Halloween night. That ghost costume my mom used to make ut of an old white bed sheet, always tripped me a few times in my zeal to get to a door and shout "trick or treat". But bruises and scrapes on Halloween are unnoticed until November 1st...and all that candy one collects while trick or treating really does make the wounds feel less damaging the next day. I can remember some other Halloween costumes I wore (I was a dangerous looking 7 year old cowboy one year and would shoot if the candy was not to my liking), But most kids dress like a ghost at least once during childhood. It's a Halloween birth right. An early...Happy Halloween.

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