Thursday, April 27, 2017

Earth Day Hysterics

April is the time of year when things are green, birds and nature gives us melodious sounds that delight our ears. But it's also the month when a group of odd creatures in nature emerge with weird ideas they swear are sacred truths, this despite no evidence to support their phantasmal notions. Yes, April brings for the Earth day nuts that never stop growing. I do enjoy hearing their  claims of "climate change' that humans are engineering and that we are all o going to soon die because some of us drive SUV's. Some of man's greatest, most creative fiction emerges from the mouths of Earth Day attendees.

I looked at the Earth Day web site today and here is their  policy statement  "Climate change is caused by humans. Yet, ironically, humans are the only ones who have the power to do something about it and make a real difference. The time for real action and progress is now!" Really? Am I supposed to accept the drivel about humans being all powerful over nature, that we change nature by living our lives in ordinary ways? Anyway the site goes on to list its propaganda citing "facts" about climate change. Those facts are largely invented nonsense attributed to scientists who don't really endorse them, promoted to hysterical Earth Day worshippers who believe nothing except the almighty power of humans to control, and yes, change climate.

After a few minutes on that cite my brain was being "polluted" with "bad air" words from the environmental nuts who would like us al to live in caves. I had to exit and did. My problem with Earth day and other events that promote foolishness in the name of "saving the planet' is that they distract us from real earth issues. All sensible people are concerned about maintaining a clean environment. We want to enjoy clean air, land, and water and we like to think that future generations will live in an even better environment. These were the original objectives of Earth Day, but now it is the province of crazy or uninformed people out for a good time one day year. Most know little about what they speak. Earth Day, a great and innocent idea when it started in 1970, has now been kidnapped by the global warming nuts.

the Nongovernemntal International Panel On Climate Change shows rationale people that debate rages in the scientific community about the causes and consequences of climate change, and even debate whether there is any climate change at all. Scientists today cannot even agree on whether warming or cooling lies ahead, let alone the degree to which we affect it. Yet, Earth day and Climate change advocates repeat over and over  that ‘the science is settled.’ We know with certainty, they claim, that our carbon dioxide emissions will cause a planetary emergency unless we radically change our ways.

The truth is that many climate change protesters have little to do with science and everything to do with promoting a political or economic agenda Hey! Maybe those global warmers will come to their senses if the atmosphere heats up a little. Gee, I love global warming.....

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