Monday, April 10, 2017

Gassing Syria Gets Bombed

I do not like war or military action, but when Syrian dictator Assad gassed his own citizens, including a number of babies and small children, someone had to retaliate for the world, to show that such illegal and inhuman actions can not be tolerated. The past 8 years, under President Obama, the U.S. was a weakling and the world knew it. That president was uninterested and weak willed in handling such  events as the chemical attack on Syrian civilians by their leader (he has done this previously during the Obama Presidency and other than a "warning" from Obama, nothing was done to prevent more such attacks, as this latest one attests).

The U.S. attack severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment, reducing the Syrian Government's ability to deliver chemical weapons against it's own people again.  The base that was attacked was used as the staging point for Tuesday's chemical weapons attack on Syrian rebel-held territory. The U.S tried to build a coalition of nations to join in the attack to show the world is united against such behavior, but sadly, most nations are afraid to act or too worried politically to do so. Waiting to convince others to join in was not an option. Thus, the U.S. did the attack alone. No doubt there will be many who denounce the U.S. for the attack, but moral courage requires acting without.

According to the United Nations, there have previously been more than 160 chemical attacks in Syria since the country's civil war began 2011 (when the incompetent Obama was president and the world laughed at the U.S willingness to act morally against war crimes committed by Assad). The  Democratic Party and the media here, which hates Trump and tries to defame his administration at every course, will criticize Trump heavily for the attack, but they were critical before the attack on his "inaction" in Syria.  But the world is a little safer now knowing the U.S. will act militarily when monsters murder their own civilians with poisonous gas.

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