Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Where's The News Value?

It's time for another of my rants about the death of real news reporting. Let me do it by using a sample of what most say is the national newspaper of the United States, U.S. A. Today. Here are today's 'Top Stories' as U.S.A. today bills it on it's on-line version of it's front page. Note that only one of the top stories is of real value to a human with a working brain. The rest belongs in a gossip rag one can find at the checkout counter of a supermarket.

1) 5 things you need to know Monday (included are reports on two pro athlete retirement announcements, and a story on wrestler Hulk Hogan's sex tape scandal)
2) U.S. man held in girlfriend's death at resort (why is this single crime report so important to you and me? is not criminal behavior part of the human condition? Domestic crimes of this nature happen frequently. I think it's not as unusual, important or newsworthy as U.S.A. Today makes it appear to be?
 3) William, Kate and kids play in the snow (How bad is it when this "Royal moment" takes front page prominence over real concerns that people should read)
 4) Inventor of modern email dies (Raymond Tomlinson, widely credited as the inventor of modern email, died Saturday. He gave us the @ symbol. Nice to read, but on the front page?)
 5) Sanders to Clinton: 'Excuse me, I'm talking' (In a Democratic presidential campaign debate, socialist candidate Bernie Sanders told Hillary Clinton to shut up while he was speaking. Isn't that what more than 100 million Americans have been doing for years?)
 6) Major milestones mark 'Downtown Abbey' finale ('Downtown Abbey' is a TV series. Sad to say, for most brain dead Americans, TV shows contain the milestones of their lives)
 7) China bans images of gay people on TV (There may be a few other more important atrocities China commits that this pander to political correctness by mainstream mediums like U.S. A. Today)
 8) EU seeks to close Balkan migrant route at summit (How did this real news story make the list? Some editor at U.S. Today must have fallen asleep and let this one get by)
 9) Sneak peek: Captain America's new 'Civil War' (Another story about a childish movie to be released soon)

Is U.S.A. Today kidding? Probably not. They are pandering to the anti intellectual, frivolous nature of modern man and woman. And it is sad. When adults are fed pabulum as news they become both less informed about what really is important, and less interested in the same. Oh well, as long as the population has their cell phones and idiotic apps, at least they will be happy.

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