Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trivial Earth Hour Symbolism

We just had another Earth Hour. Did you know that? No? Well, the environmental extremists will be after you for "not caring' to yet again "saving the planet' or whatever silliness the global warmed nuts claim to be fact. In 178 countries and territories around the world, once every March millions of people are switched off their lights for Earth Hour, an annual event to highlight what they claim is the global threat from climate change. More than 350 world landmarks including the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower were dark for 60 minutes starting at 8:30 pm. local time Saturday. I doubt it will save the planet, but it sure darkens culture world-wide in that it is another baseless herd mentality trendy behavior.

This year's Earth Hour theme was "Places We Love". That would be the mountains, rivers, beaches, reefs, forests and national parks that organizers say are in peril from climate change. Environmentalists do love nature. It's people they seem to be clue less about. Why struggle to solve real problems and work to understand how things really work, when you can make yourself feel morally superior with an empty and meaningless gesture? That's what Earth Hour and all the other save the planet gestures amount to. Perhaps instead, the environmental crazies should worry about saving themselves. Humans can't change climate, and nature is far more powerful than humans and humans are just another species living on earth (for a while). If nature needs correcting it will do it itself, as it has always done in the past.

Well, at least the environmental Nazis aren't insisting on more bike paths. The point of Earth Hour is to propagandize even more (and I thought we were at our environmental propaganda limit already) for stopping what they call man-made climate change. The Earth Hour lights out event began in Sydney, Australia as an initiative of a conservation group called World Wildlife Fund in 2007. It caught on everywhere, because in this age in trendiness over reason people believe what the trendy tell them to believe, the following year because, well, many people who save the planet have empty, disorganized lives that they prefer to not to try to save. Better to demonize fossil fuel, I guess.

How trendy does this cause sound to you? This year, Face book users are being asked to change their profile pictures and donate their social feeds to show support for Earth Hour. Now that's trendy!

Actually, nothing is more “green” or “environmentally friendly” than using fossil fuels like petroleum and gas for energy. It is “recycling” in every sense of the word, drilling tiny pin-pricks into the ground, barely penetrating the surface of this giant ball of matter, to suck out drops of fossil remains of long dead plants and animals. When burning fossil fuels, all of it still remains here on earth where it has always been. We merely reorganize the elements into different compounds and relocate it to a different altitude, from below ground to the surface with a tiny portion of it winding up temporarily in the atmosphere until it gets sequestered yet again into more plants and animals, a cycle that shall repeat and renew. That's true recycling.

Earth Hour is more like a religion than a rationale. It gives people a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside, without a scientific basis for its claims. Kind of makes me wan to turn out the lights 24/7 just to hide from the environmental nuts.

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