Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Apology Tour

The apology tour continues every day in the United Sates. The PC, liberal, in the bubble world in which we live demands "apologies" from public officials for anything that is not considered politically correct. This includes sexist statements, either made in jest or for humor. My question is why is this apology strategy necessary or even healthy?

An apology tour example comes from Alabama Gov. Robert J. Bentley. Bently just admitted that he has lusted for an aide and that he made sexually explicit comments to her. Wow! A male who made sexist comments. Is this shocking? Anyway, the governor's political adviser, one Rebekah Mason, was the victim of the governor's comments that he told Mason he enjoys standing behind her and touching her breasts. It's not nice that he said such things. Maybe Rebekah should have given the gov. a swift kick down below or just had a chat with the governor's wife about such remarks.

But no. This is the age of political correctness, one in which free speech, even bad speech, is condemned publicly and the speaker humiliated into making a public apology.  Putting a scarlet letter on the one who miss spoke is the tactic of the day. Governor Bentley denied that his sexual advances led to what he called a "physical affair" with Mason. Therefore, Governor Bentley said he apologized for his actions to Mason, to Mason's family and to his own family. In a press conference in the Capitol, Bentley apologized to Alabama's on a day he called difficult for him. Strange.....Why can't the voters just determine at the ballot box whether Bentley deserves to continue serve in their place. Does an orchestrated dog and pony show apology really mean anything?

Here's  some of what the governor said at his apology tour press conference. "Since that time I have apologized to members of my family, to Mrs. Mason and her family and I apologized then for any conversations and behavior then that was inappropriate. Today I want to apologized to the people of the state of Alabama and once again I want to apologize to my family. I am truly sorry and I accept full responsibility."

I think the only thing the Governor should publicly apologize for is his wasting time with that apology.  Ms. Mason is capable of handling the Governor's bad behavior in private or in court if that doesn't work. To make a stupid comment a public policy issue just shows how dumb politics and we the people have become.

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