Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thou Shalt Not Post The Ten Commandments

The entitled, politically correct nuts are at it again. This time they are "offended" by the Ten Commandments. This time the alleged offense is to Oklahoma residents. It seems that a granite monument of the Ten Commandments on the Oklahoma Capitol grounds was being removed and will be transported to a private conservative think tank for storage because....well... The Tern Commandments are dangerous for the public to see....I guess?

 According to a ruling by the Oklahoma Supreme Court's the Ten Commandment plaque violates a state constitutional prohibition on the use of public property to support "any sect, church, denomination or system of religion." Hmmmmm I always thought that, even though the Ten Commandments has a religious origin, they were simply rules of behavior that any sensible person would agree apply to every person who wants to behave well. The Commandments do not refer to any specific religious denomination.  Does the court mean that anything of a religious origin should not be displayed in Public?

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol had increased security around the monument earlier Monday, and barriers were erected to keep visitors from getting close to it.  I guess even the Ten Commandments are subject to terrorism. The state says that it removed the monument under the cover of darkness "to avoid disturbing workers at the Capitol and to keep protesters from demonstrating while heavy equipment was being used to detach the two ton monument from its base".  I also add, it's allot easier to act non sensibly under the cover of darkness.

The individual who instituted the lawsuit that brought about the court order to take the Commandments away is a Baptist preacher who says he loves the Commandments but thinks they should only be displayed on private property. But the real reason ay be that after the Ten Commandments were placed at the state Capital there were requests from several groups to have their own monuments installed, including a satanic church in New York that wanted to erect a 7-foot-tall statue that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard. A Hindu leader in Nevada, an animal rights group and the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster also made requests.

I guess in a democracy all religious symbols have to be treated equally, even when some are crazy. I agree, but place the Satan monument and the others in the Capital restroom...right next to the urinals.

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