Saturday, October 17, 2015

Breeding Like Rabbits

Who would have imagined it? Humans have become rabbits, breeding their species into what may eventually be an overpopulated oblivion. It does seem to be a little crowded out there. With the world population already at 7.3 billion people, it is expected to add more than a million more in the next 15 years, and more than 2 billion more in the next 25 years. That 2 billion was about the population of the world when I was born. I swear that I am not responsible!

I'm going to point fingers at who is "at fault" because...we all love to blame the other guy. Take a bow Asia and Africa. Asia already has 60% of the world population, and Africa with the next biggest total, 16%, is projected to be the fastest growing region in the future. The rest of the world is small with negative birth rates, with the U.S. and Europe growing very slightly, and only because of the mass invasion of immigrants from the fastest growing regions (they have to live somewhere).

There seems to be a race for first between China and India. China currently has 1.38 billion people and India 1.31. However, India is expected pass China in total population by 2022. This is due to the one child policy instituted (great move) in China, and the resulting aging population there, and because India culturally embraces the "let's have another" child mentality.

So while the world pretends that something it calls "climate change" or "global warming" is the real problem, the overpopulation problem goes unrecognized because...'s not politically correct to tell those rapid breeding places to stop having so many babies. For the left it's more fun to pretend that your SUV is "killing the planet". But in real terms, the overpopulation boom is causing severe problems for the world in poverty, unemployment, pollution, deforestation, political instability and mass migration of those who are incapable of adapting to their new homes in the less populated developed world.

Hmmmm Maybe the world should steal and change that Nike motto of 'Just do it' , and morph it into 'Just don't do it" (have kids, that is). The future of the world may depend on it.

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