Saturday, October 10, 2015

Killing Women

Here's one for those women claiming they want "equal rights". Convicted murder conspirator Kelly Renee Gissendaner was put to death in the state of Georgia by lethal injection Wednesday, September despite a flurry of last ditch efforts to stay the execution. There has only been one female in Georgia in he past 70 years execute for a crime. And even though Gissendaner brutally killed her husband, there is a different kind of outrage at executing a woman than executing a man.

I am against the death penalty in all cases, and fortunately, few state in the U.S. still execute criminals. But our legacy of 19th century wild west justice, the days when people were hanged in the public square, seems to have not totally evaporated. I don't advocate the state killing anyone, but in a perverse way, when it executes a female attention is focused on the entire issue of the death penalty. In an ironic way, that is a good thing.

Few other countries still kill criminals for the rimes they commit. I think they have it w right, but in the United States there is a pioneer culture of guns and violence that never completely disappeared from society as a whole. Strangely, when people in this country are asked if they approve of abortion, more than half say "No". But when the same people are asked if capital punishment is good well over half approve. So for them,  killing is good in one case but bad in another. Humans are inconsistent in their moral views.

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