Wednesday, October 14, 2015

National Holidays Are With Us

Did you know that in this country we just had National Taco Day in the U.S.? Well, I live here and didn't know that until I just read about it after the fact. But then I am not crazy about Mexican food, tacos and the rest. Even if I had known, I probably instead would have eaten  a meatball and celebrated Italy instead, since I love Italian cuisine.  Hey! There might be a Meatball day. I shall research that immediately...hold on while I Goggle the subject.

I am back from  and guess what? It says
that every  March 9th we are supposed  celebrate National Meatball Day. It says that it is not clear how this day got started, but I think many of those National Day events few are aware of have legitimate roots. Anyway, the site says that when celebrating the meatball day some restaurants give a free side order of meatballs, while others are donating money to homeless shelters.  That's nice. At least we aren't supposed to throw our meatballs at strangers.

In looking at the web site I decided to carefully check one month of holidays, just one month because there seems to be many hundreds of special days that I am supposed to honor. I just don't have that much time to celebrate. I picked October and here a few more of the National Days in the U.S. that I will not celebrate:  Cephalopod Awareness Day (I feel itchy???), National Walk Your Dog Day (One day a year Fido gets walked. Gee, he must really have to pee on that day),

Day of Bully Prevention (I guess you don't steal a weakling kid's lunch money on that day), Mad Hatter Day (You are supposed to be silly on MHD. But what will Mr. Bean do that day? Maybe be serious all day?),  National Depression Screening Day ( Sigh, I always feel too down that day and skip the screening), National Pro-Life Cupcake Day (It seems even the cupcakes worry about abortion rights), National Kick Butt Day (You slap someone around, I suppose), National Coming Out Day (Go ahead, announce you are gay and salute Richard Simmons), Free Thought Day (All other days of the year it cost a dollar a thought. No wonder nobody thinks for themselves anymore),  National No Bra Day (I hope that one is for only women under the age of 35), Be Bald and Free Day (Does this imply that bald people are imprisoned the rest of the year?),
National Grouch Day (I already celebrate that every day), Black Poets Day (White and Asian poets are forbidden to speak that day),  Want To Hear Something Gaudy Day (Read what I write and you'll get gaudy non stop, any day of the year),  World Menopause Day (Speaking for every male I plead for you NOT to tell me about your menopause).

It's all too much. One day, we will have a national day for all national days because we ran out of days of the year 

for national days. Oh., just so I won't forget.....Happy Menopause Day!

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