Wednesday, December 25, 2013

No Kisses Allowed

It's time for another episode of  'The Stupid Politically Correct is at it Again'. This one involves a 6 year old boy who is bring treated like a sexual predator, but in actuality is acting like 6 year olds were expected to in the pre politically correct madness that is out of hand. It seems that a 6-year-old boy was suspended from school the other day for kissing a girl at school. He kissed the hand of a classmate as normal 6 year olds tend to do from time to time.  The idiots that run the school system in the Colorado county thinks that 6 year olds are hitting on 6 year old girls because they want sex. They considered  it sexual harassment.

The "predator" boy's mother said officials at Lincoln School of Science and Technology in Canon City, a southern Colorado city of 16,000, are over-reacting. Jennifer Saunders said her son Hunter has a crush on a girl at school and she likes him back. Uh...that would be a 6 year old crush, not a post puberty one. I'm surprised the geniuses at the school didn't make the 6 year old  victim take a pregnancy test after Hunter "molested" her.

To prove that six year olds often make more sense than bubble headed politically correct school officials, Hunter summed up what happened. "It was during class, yeah. We were doing reading group, and I leaned over and kissed her on the hand. That's what happened," he said. Didn't that also happen a lot to you when you were 6 years old? Is that not normal 6 year old curiosity? The school's principal brought up the term "sexual harassment" during a meeting with mom. "Now my son is asking questions. What is sex mommy? That should not ever be said, sex. Not in a sentence with a six year old," said mom.

In recent years, Colorado and other politically correct oriented  states have been moving to relax zero tolerance disciplinary policies blamed for increasing the dropout rate and giving students criminal records for relatively minor infractions. However, those policies have dealt mostly with safety issues, such as students fighting or bringing a replica gun to school, not sexual harassment. Psychologists say what the school did to the boy is idiotic.

Hunter's branding as a sexual harrasser could have negative consequences for his future.  Kissing is normal behavior for children of that age. In fact, it is a normal stage in social development, just as important if not more than their academic subjects. Six year olds are simply curious about the differences between boys and girls and do not benefit when Politically correct adult hang-ups about sexual harassment are thrust upon them.

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