Thursday, December 19, 2013

Conservative And Liberal Stereotypes

There is a big war going on between conservatives and liberals in the United States. They usually fight with each other, but now they are practically nuking each other with hatred and polarization. It's to the point now where we have two nations, one conservative and one liberal. Those who do not identify with either side are just voyeurs who watch the stupidity of both sides. We don't even like to agree with either side on any single issue because they might think we agree with all their positions.

President Obama is the king of the liberals. He says and does anything that will win votes from his subjects, even when doing so may bankrupt the country or make it vulnerable to collapse. And he seems more than willing to sacrifice the good of the nation for his ideology.  His subjects think he is infallible, while the conservatives think he's always wrong and never dare  agree with anything Obama proposes.  If Obama suggested that conservatives honor their moms on Mother's Day, the conservatives would accuse him of subversion.

I have no idea who is the king of the conservatives in the U.S., but then, they don't know either. That group includes the normal conservative and the crazies who think anyone who disagrees with them is a communist or mother raper, I guess. The so called 'Tea Party' faction of conservatives is the most extreme part of the conservatives. Conversing with a Tea Party person can be challenging because they live in a big bubble that often does not include the real world. Liberals hate them and think that Tea Party people hate the liberals even more than the liberals hate them.

It's sad that the two political persuasions today have drifted so far from the core beliefs that most people once held and that each side refuses to compromise with the other to make the country better. Traditional liberals and conservatives used to be much easier to recognize, and one could civilly disagree with them about issues. In former times one could choose which group to join (but I have never belonged to either the conservative Republican Party, nor the Liberal Democratic Party) because each had consistent  behavior.

Here is the way one used to identify a conservative or liberal American. It's all changed now, due to the current paranoia of hate of both the conservatives and liberals.

- Conservatives wanted less government and liberals more
- Conservatives hate welfare payments and think people should be responsible for their own lives. Liberals believe some citizens can't take care of themselves and that taxpayers should be their mom and dad and do so.
- Liberals love illegal immigrants because their sympathizers vote for them. Conservatives believe that all illegal immigrants are here to commit crimes or live off the taxpayers.
- Conservatives are certain that change is bad. Liberals are certain change is good.
- Liberals are overly optimistic while conservatives are overly pessimistic.
- Liberals like to think about things for a long time before acting. Conservatives never think much because they want to keep things as they are.
- Conservatives are determined. They never get thrown out of college but liberals often due....sometimes because they are too busy smoking joints.
- Conservatives are likely to farm., Liberals are likely to be professors in universities.
- Conservatives own guns for protection. Liberals leave their front doors unlocked and never worry about needing protection.
- Liberals think the government should protect their freedoms. Conservatives believe that the government is taking away their freedoms.
- Conservatives don't like environmental regulations because they think the nation has unlimited resources. Liberals don't want a single tree cut or oil well drilled because they are sure the climate will turn hot if any are.
- There are more rich conservatives than rich liberals because big business is the sphere of conservatives.
- Liberals are dreamers but don't realize it. Conservatives are practical to the point of stubbornness.
- Your favorite actor or actress is probably liberal, your plumber probably conservative.
- Liberals and conservatives both think they are morally superior.

After reading these liberal and conservative characteristics I suspect you are just as confused and disgusted by both liberals and conservatives.

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