Thursday, December 19, 2013

Expanding The One Child Policy

Money really does talk, especially to dictatorships that want their the economy to move towards a greater reliance on consumption by consumers.  Besides the usual economic reforms China implements from time to time it just announced an unusual one that is expected to create more consumers in an aging society.  China has declared the one child policy null and void and stepped up the baby mills by now allowing parents to legally have a maximum of two kids per family. That's not exactly freedom of choice nor the end of the communist dictatorship there, but for China it is an admission that it has been pushed, pushed by the reality of the world's free markets to abandon some of the repressiveness of the state.

Trouble is, the one child policy that was instituted in 1980 as a way of controlling the strain on resources in a country that is vastly overpopulated, was probably one of the few good ideas the dictators every created. Imagine what China's population would be today if the one child policy would not have been implemented then. If not, India, the world's second baby mill nation, would have never threatened to overtake China as the world's most populated country as it is doing now. China today might have 2 billion people instead of the 1.3 it now has had the one child policy not been instituted.

I say China should rethink ending it's one child policy for the good of the world, and it should just deal with the social and economic problems that the policy causes there.  On balance, one child is a very positive program for any nation that is too populated and has  a culture that mom must make as many babies as possible.   Though it is true that China has too many old people who have too few children to take care of them (The Chinese government has no social welfare system to take care of the elderly, so children must do it themselves) and the lack of a growing population undermines the labor and consumption pool that will keep China growing, the population thing is a far greater problem for humans to handle.

The world's overpopulation, all of it occurring  in underdeveloped nations, is killing the earth's environment as it puts huge strains on and consumes and pollutes at a rate that is unsustainable.  Stop having so many babies, China, Pakistan, India and Africa...... and the other undeveloped areas for that matter that spew out humans who are more and more exporting themselves to developed areas, putting a huge strain on those countries too.

No one in the west talks about it, because one who does is accused of being "racist", since it occurs mostly in nations that are in Asia and Africa. But if ever there was a real world crisis it is overpopulation. Maybe the United Nations should finally address the issue, with China leading the meetings and showing those nations with an obscenely large overpopulation problem how and why they should limit their baby mill culture. Perhaps the wealthy developed countries could pay the baby mill nations with their excess of money, each time the baby mill area shows a significant reduction in its population growth. 

The world should chant in unison, "Wherever overpopulation is present  Long live the one child policy"!

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