Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Too Much Worry About Terrorists

No doubt you heard about that terrorist attack the other day, this one at a marathon road race in Boston, Massachusetts. There are so many threats to our security these days, it's hard to keep track of them all- those terrorists, the Apple and Microsoft nations,  the Kardashian girls.... Why, you can't even go to the men's room anymore without some guy or gal with a phone camera documenting and Yu tubing your business. And that's just the beginning. You think riding those planes at airports is risky? Well, there was that incident monkey sneaked inside the security area of New Delhi's international airport, forcing the closure of the VIP lounge.

Anyway, I think I should worry more about human terrorists than the monkey genre. But how much should we worry about terrorism? Since childhood when I quickly became being enamored with Mad Magazine's alter hero Alfred E. Neumann I say "not much". Alfred as the guy who lived by the motto, "What Me Worry?" Alfred and I agree about many things. Worrying about things we have little control in changing is not a healthy life choice. So I worry about terrorists bombing me about as much as I worry about monkey terrorists in airport lounges. It seems that I am a minority of only a few because, based on media coverage of "terrorists attacks" and the receptiveness of the public to not only watching and reading repetitively about the tragic events,  most people worry a lot about such things. It becomes an obsession with many to worry about the improbably and uncontrollable.

Need an example of how the concept of terrorism replaces reason. The Department of Homeland Security  a couple of years ago said the nation's chicken houses could be added to the list of potential terrorism targets because most use propane gas for heat.  Pity the chicken farmers on that one..but then, if the chicken farmers are smart this stupid government of ours will probably give every chicken farmer $100,000 to protect their egg laying bins from terrorists.

There is profit to be made in "preventing terrorism". Entrepreneurs make sure you are afraid enough to buy their anti terrorist preventive merchandise to be...uh.."safer", the media saturates us with their ridiculous analysis of the most recent terrorist event (newspaper and TV news cats are the terrorists best friends), and humans become irrationally afraid of some crazed Muslim terrorist or other social misfit who they think might take over the world. To that I just ignore the hysteria, live life oblivious to the pretend threats and remember Alfred's refrain....."What, me worry?"

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