Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Curriculum Needed

There seems to be crisis in modern education everywhere in the world. But relax. I am here with the solution to solving this crisis (I know I never fix anything, but this time I might get lucky). It's kind of ironic, given my teachers used to consider me a constant disaster waiting to happen.  Uh, forget that part for now and let me first define what this educational crisis is about. The more important crisis is that schools are teaching the wrong things, the wrong way for the wrong way. Didn't you know that as you sat bewildered in Geometry class?

We teach to test kids, mindless tests of memory and useless information that kids are forced to memorize and regurgitate, often without even understanding what they spit out. Those tests are used to verify the fact that we are teaching useful things, but in fact, merely verify that we are insecure and secretly aware that our dopey kids are learning very little while in school (and less at home, I fear).  How many times do we teach an identical math or science concept before realizing that the subject is never going to be understood, used nor should it be. I say leave the high level specialized subjects to the nerdy kids with the glasses and led pencils in their front pockets. The rest of the idiots don't need to know about Quadratic equations....and will probably be traumatized if they actually learned them.

In this modern world of sterile relations between humans we should teach our kids more practical skills.  Ethics and values courses, for instance, should be taught in primary schools, not in universities where the students now take them but who have already had their ethical and value systems destroyed but the corrupt world in which we live.  A 5 year old benefits from ethics courses, a 19 year old only ignores the subject in order to justify impregnating that sexy blonde and taking a hit of cocaine.  Let's bump a math or science course each year in elementary school for ethics courses and in the future the world will be a kinder gentler place. Hmmmm It would be interesting to see a world in which the thugs and criminals were those nerds who got stuck in the science and math classes while the rest of the kids bantered about the subject ethical choices. I wonder. Does a nerd mugger use a a calculator instead of a gun to threaten his victim?

With illegitimacy rampant today and those little bastards kids roaming the streets because there is no parental direction, I also think every school should have courses on parenting. The school could call it 'Responsible Parenting'. Just think how nice society would be if before producing those trophy babies every prospective parent had to have three or four courses in responsible parenting practices.  No courses in marriage babies allowed. I like it.

Because both the schools and families fail to teach and transfer the concept of humanity to kids, I have some more course ideas to suggest. There should be classes in respecting the elderly and the disabled, in taking responsibility for one's own economic and intellectual health, in.....sigh. Who am I kidding. Those kinds of courses would never be taught in modern schools. And sadly, it's because they just don't meld with those real base human desires adults model for their kids.....

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