Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Spy Cameras

I got another of those spam ads in my mailbox today. There's nothing unusual about it, but this one was an advertisement for "spy cameras', those concealed cameras hidden in key chains, clocks, on the body, just about anywhere a person wants to have a view. I guess some people put them in bathrooms and...uh...well....use your imagination about that. But the point is the very idea that one needs such a camera for security reasons or to do sneaky and disgusting spying on others is a sad commentary on humans.
>From the earliest days of this country, settlers armed themselves with muskets and protected themselves. America has always had an irrational obsession with being safe form intruders and the huge number of gun owners reflects that. I don't know what percentage of spy cameras sold are for legitimate security and what are for spying on girls in a bathroom or installing to see if the wife is cheating on the husband. But one thing is sure, its not healthy to be "security paranoid". Sellers take advantage of that paranoia and the infatuation people have with technology to see that junk to millions.
The clock radio spy camera that is inside a normal looking clock radio, for example, has a camera that works full time right next to the bed to see what naughty things an unfaithful spouse might be doing in bed. It sells for $400. I guess it could be used to catch a burglar or at the office, to nab a nursing home worker who is abusing an elderly resident, to record who is goofing off (reading what I am writing while at work, for instance) or who is stealing all those company pens, but I doubt a legitimate use is the main category of use.
In most U.S. states, as to public building use, as long as the cameras are set up in common areas not in places people expect to be private (like a bathroom) the cameras are legal. But in the home you an put them just about anywhere, even in a child's teddy bear, for example. Strange though, in most of the U.S. states though courts have ruled that it is legal to record video of someone on those cameras, audio recording is illegal unless at least one party gives consent to it.
So to be sneaky is to take a risk. I bet you are wondering if you are being spied upon now.

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