Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is Illegitamacy Out Of Control Today?

Here are some stats from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for births in the U.S. They are interesting and perhaps troubling. More than 40 percent of births are to unwed mothers. In 2010 73% of  black moms, 66% of American Indian women, 53% of  Hispanic women,  over 29% of white moms, and 19% of Asian women give birth to children while unwed. In 1960, when society had one common morality and few government welfare programs that acted as a replacement for the father the rate was just 6%.

Today more and more young women want children any way they can have them. That would be without a father in the child's life or with him. The reason they have this choice,  is that if  the father won't  pay for the child, the government will do it. Either way the woman knows she and the child will be taken care of. But in earlier times, as when I was growing up, women were be ashamed to have a child out of wedlock. Society enforced more rules of self responsibility. If the single woman became pregnant, she would just disappear for about a year or so, give your child up for adoption, come home and hopefully get back on her your life...(college, job, join the military). Now having children out of wedlock is like a contest to see who can get the most benefits from the government, which rewards each unwed mom with more and more benefits for each now illegitimate child.

Its why some say that it is time to cut off all social services to healthy women and require the woman's extended family  to pick up the cost of the support of the baby when the father of the illegitimate child (as so often happens) does not support his child. Of course, some of the illegitimate moms have no support system or extended family (often because they themselves were born to unwed moms). Yet as more children without committed fathers are born the society slides more and more toward irresponsibility and poverty of all sort. Stats from National Vital Statistics confirm that children born to unmarried mothers are more likely to grow up in a single parent household, experience instability in living arrangements, live in poverty, and have socio-emotional problems.

As those babies reach adolescence, they are also more likely to have low educational attainment, engage in sex at younger ages, and have an illegitimate child themselves. As young adults, children born outside of marriage are more likely to be idle (not working or in school), have lower occupational status and income, and more troubled relationships than married parents.

So there are some troubling statistics which may or not suggest that a general decline in personal responsibility in the U.S. starts with illegitimacy that is supported by the government, which rewards it with welfare payments that encourage the illegitimacy boom today. The question of the day for you is this... Is illegitimacy destroying those countries which enable it as in the U.S. or is it not unhealthy, but rather  just a change in the way human define the family structure?

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