Wednesday, August 8, 2012


First the world had to deal with Muslim extremist nuts who promote intolerance toward anyone who disagrees with their own religious views and now, the latest ugly religious based hatred has come from a Christian believer simply giving his and his company's opinion. The president of fast food chicken chain Chick-fil-A probably wishes he would have clucked instead of interviewed when asked about gay marriage. That chicken guy, Dan Cathy, in an interview with a Baptist magazine stated that Chick-fil-A was founded on "Christian principles", that he supports them, and that includes the opposition to same sex marriage. It's true that Chik-fil-A's position is sincere. For example, Chick-fil-A closes on one of the most profitable fast food days, Sunday. It also donates millions ot charities of all types each year.

Cathy's remarks came after President Obama again switched his position (well, it's an election year and politicians don't really believe in any position, anyway....particularly Obama) on support of gay marriage. In this country even extremist Muslims and old school fundamentalist Christians have the right to express their views. That's what freedom of speech is about. But the politically correct crowd instantly pounced on Cathy and Chick-fil-A with threatened boycotts of Chick-fil-A. Too, the usual self serving politicians raging against Chick-fil-A as a "hate business".

Gay activists held a "kiss day" in front of Chick-fil-A restaurants, and three of the biggest city mayors in Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco said they would try to ban Chick-fil-A from operating in their cities (They can not, It is discriminatory and illegal). In response, the Internet web sites in support of Chick-fil-A's right to say and do what it believes, mobilized their own troops with a "Support Chick-fil-A day " by buying Chick-fil-A, to the extent that the Chick-fil-A restaurants had all time record sales., and on and on.....all odd and idiot expressions are still emanating from both sides.

I like Chick-fil-A and won't judge whether I buy a chicken sandwich there or anywhere else on the basis of what religious beliefs the company holds. Chick-fil-A serves everyone, gay and straight and has never discriminated against any of its customers. It does not deserve to be targeted because it opposes the current trendy view on gay marriage. If the Islamic nuts start a chicken business that serves tasty food, I'll shop there too. Businesses can and should not be not be vetted by consumers to check if their political views are suitable to the customers. To do so would mean few people would buy much of anything from any business since the world is a desperate one with more views than can even be stated.

In our age of political correctness it seems sadly ironic that gay and liberal activists who continually scream about the need for equal rights for all, would try to shout down, even censor a business with whom they did not agree, simply because the management of that business expressed it's religious based opinion. One who feels discriminated against by other elements of society might do well not to discriminate in perceived retaliation against an innocent party exercising its free speech rights.

In our shallow world of technology and blind obedience to correctness, humans have again proved that thinking before acting these days is a more and more uncommon act.

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