Sunday, October 30, 2011

Potato Chips

Wow! I missed the big event. Well, it's not really big unless you like to eat potato chips, as most of us do. You see, August was the month potato chips were born. According to "legend" (rumor... or maybe somebody's guess) the original potato chip recipe was created on August, 25th in 1853, when a chef, frustrated by a patron (who kept sending his potatoes back to the kitchen, complaining they were thick, soggy and bland. So the chef decided get back at the complaining diner by slicing them as thin as possible and fry them until they were crazily crisp. The diner loved them, and our waist bands have been expanding ever since.

What could be unhealthier than a thin slice of potato cooked in grease and salted to death? Hmmm Not even my precious donuts are that artery clogging. But during W.W. II here in the U.S. potato chips were the only readily available veggie for war sacrificing Americans. The U.S. government even declared then to be "an essential food". (Today I am hoping the government will declare donuts to be a sacred food).

Today, potato chips are the most popular snack in the United States. Potato chips constitute 40% of snack food consumption in the U.S. And they are also universally popular. Try these weird flavors as an example: Cajun Squirrel, Lamb & Mint, Seaweed & Salt, Roast Chicken, Margarita & Salt, Steak & Onion, Chesapeake Crab, Tuna Salad, Prawn Cocktail, County Mayo Ham, Wasa Beef, Mango, Lime 'n' Masala, Spanish Chicken Paella, Chutney,

Bacon Sizzler, Fries n' Gravy, ramen (the noodles are always around because they bred like rabbits), cucumber, fusion (a whole bunch of unrelated flavors in one disgusting chip), paprika, kebob, oregano, caviar and....many more to please or repulse every palate.

Anyone can make homemade potato chips if they have a mandolin slicer to cut potatoes thin. Just drop the thin slices in 350 degree oil and cook until browned. But you can even make them in a microwave oven. I'm not kidding. Here's how:

-Pour vegetable oil into a plastic bag. Add the potato slices, and shake to coat.
-Coat a large dinner plate lightly with oil or cooking spray. Arrange potato slices in a single layer on the dish.
-Cook in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes, or until lightly browned (if not browned, they will not become crisp).
-Remove chips from plate, and toss with salt (or other seasonings). Let cool.

Have I ruined your diet with this stupid potato chip report? Ok, then just have a nice donut and forget the whole thing.

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