Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Charade Of Democratic Refrom

It's too bizarre to be logical, even if it's another of those crazy Muslim state policies. What I refer to is the fact that Saudi Arabian women have now been given the right to vote in Saudi election and to run as candidates in local elections there. Uh, it's great that women can now vote there, but the sequence of women's rights seem a bit off in Saudi Arabia and many other extremist Muslim nations.

Need an example? Well, how about two even more fundamental rights every human should have today but are forbidden to Saudi women, the right to drive an automobile and to leave the country unaccompanied by a male. Uh, so women in Saudi Arabia can't drive their own cars, but they have the right to vote and run elections. I wonder how the women will conduct their election campaigns or get to the polls to vote. Will they still be barred from driving and have to be chaperoned by a male member of their family.

It's sort of like buying car insurance for a son or daughter but telling them they can't use the family car. But them those fanatical Muslims were never very logical.
No doubt the women, like the men of Saudi Arabia, will be voting for "nothing" anyway. The whole Saudi population, males included, is in effect disenfranchised from the the ruling autocratic regime who appoint the key political positions and make elections meaningless by ruling as dictators. A few token women will be elected to meaningless posts and women will have the right to cast meaningless votes as life will go on there are before with no real change.

When ever the thugish Mullahs and princes in Saudi Arabia want to keep the underlings (the other non privileged 99% of the population of Saudi Arabia) down they always cite the democratic changes the people there as for as as "incompatible with Sharia Law"? Sharia Law is the ancient law that the thugs there use to stay in control. It is taken from the Koran and from the examples of Mohammed. Thank goodness we still don't use the Bible for our civil and criminal laws. if so, we might, for example, be stoned to death for divorcing. But the Muslims believe some things should never change, and that would be whatever their Koran says that best suits their agenda for maintaining control over the population.

Oh well, despite the voting change and the chance to run for meaningless elected offices in Saudi Arabia. I suspect the women there aren't celebrating too loudly about it. If they do so, they will probably be flogged for making too much noise disturbing the males in the kingdom. of course, Sharia law would probably be used to permit the flogging too.

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