Friday, October 21, 2011

Gahdafi Gone

Those images of Libyan dictator Moammar Gahdafi being captured, beaten bloody and then murdered by the celebratory rebels is a disturbing, even though if anyone deserved such treatment it was that thug Gadhafi. But now that Gadhafi has left the scene, the rebels and their iffy government have lost their reason to exist. Now what?

The rebels under the banner of National Transitional Council have been plagued by infighting and the emergence of factions that hate the others. I wonder which new dictator will emerge in such a disorganized place as Libya. Surely, the last thing I expect to see in Libya is the replacement of a dictator with real democracy.

It is more likely to be the same old story...liberals and Islamists come together during the revolution, only to split afterward and fight each other for control. Guess who gets left out of the equation? Yep, the average Libyan citizen whose hopes for better than Ghadafi will gradually wane.

It would be great to see a Middle-Eastern country, Libya or any other which suffered life under a dictator, rebuild and take pride in itself, build an infrastructure and settle down to enjoy a normal life. But that's a dream unlikely to happen in Libya. More probably is a fundamentalist Islamic government almost as bad as the Ghadafi regime.

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