Friday, October 21, 2011

Near Naked Protesting

So much protesting is going on in the world these days. I think the protest, many aimless and with little definition, just reflect the desire to be noticed and listened to, even when the rhetoric is odd. One of the fun ones happened recently. It's called The Great Utah Underwear protest. Yep, a bunch of people (ok, about 3000 total) in Mormon land who want the stricter Mormon laws that govern the Mormon influenced state (think of a much milder version of some of the nutty Islamic laws and you have Utah Mormon law) of Utah replaced with 21st century laws and social sanctions, ran around in their underwear to show both their beliefs and their body parts. Thousands of people showed up and stripped to their underwear (local laws make nudity in public a crime, so the protesters kept mostly covered) and ran through Salt Lake City to protest what they called the "uptight" laws of Utah.

Hmmm "uptight" is an old 60's era word to describe those with outdated morals. I haven't heard that one in awhile, but then the residents of Utah are not exactly hip, so it is fitting to use 60's language to protest the 50's style of moral codes in Utah. The mostly younger participants showing off donned bras, panties, nightgowns, swim wear or colorful boxer shorts as they ran through the streets. Some added political messages by expressing support for causes like gay marriage on their chests, backs or legs. (The Mormon Church and Utah have opposed gay marriage).

"We've all heard it for years, Utah is boring, the Utes are uptight... well it's time to change all that, at least for a night," the group wrote on its web site. They may be right about that. Utah is stuck in time, as the state founded by Mormons for Mormon values seems more like a place in the U.S. in the 50's than the 21st century. No doubt the majority of Utes don't support the protest, and that it is more like a college prank for attention, and fun than about changing Utah politics.

But I would love to see those bodies racing through the streets in their least the hot ones. Hot girls walking around in their underwear seems like a good cause to me. We need more semi naked or naked protests in this world. This is the kind of protest I can get BEHIND (if the behind is hot enough)

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