Thursday, May 12, 2011

Saddam Lives

I knew it would happen as soon as he was killed. Some people are already saying, "Osama bin Laden isn't dead". Reality TV must have the world confused as to what is real and what isn't, as in reality TV is not real but that stomach ache or foot pain you have is. The latest evidence that our glorious electronic age has merged fact with reality is in Iraq where the majority of the populace now believe Saddam Hussein is also alive and ticking. Uh, remember the pictured of the Iraqi's hanging Saddam in 2006? Not so fast!

If you google Yu tube you can find a telephone call made from Saddam last month in which he tells Iraqi subordinate Hassan Allawi that he is alive and that it was his double that was executed, that a body double was executed in his place in 2006, and that he "will burn the Green Zone and I will make it red with the blood of the traitors". Wow! Saddam Hussein is making the rounds on social media. Maybe next he will appear on 'American Idol' or 'Survivor'. Could it be that his double Mikhail was the one they hanged?

No doubt the Iraqi citizen who remembers the days of terror under Saddam still lives in fear that he may not be died after all, this fuels rumors in Iraq and, as a result, the population believes Saddam is alive. Some Iraqi's want Saddam's body dug up and his DNA tested to find out if what is buried is the double or Saddam. There is even a Face book page a called 'The Great Saddam Hussein' with 14,00 members who swear Saddam is still breathing.

If idiots can believe that reality TV won't kill the brain or that Obama is an American citizen, then I can believe in the redemption of Saddam. In fact, I have few rumors from insiders (Saddam included) to pass on about what Saddam is up to these days.
- He probably hanging out with Elvis
- He is greeter at Wal mart
- He was seen out with Lindsay Lohan last week
- Obama is Saddama
-Saddam is me, and I am writing to you now to confirm I am alive..well, maybe...because I am partly brain dead.

Well if Jesus is still alive, I mean, it is possible Saddam is too. Allah Akbar!

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