Monday, May 23, 2011

Botox Baby

Have you read of the story of Britney Campbell of California, an eight-year-old beauty pageant contestant whose mother, Kerry, a part-time aesthetician , regularly injects her daughter's face with Botox to help the child win beauty pageants? Wow! It might be time to test and license people who want to be parents. Forcing babies to compete in "beauty pageants" is already taking a step across the line of reason, but injecting chemicals into a child's face is enough to have that lose her parental rights.

It is frightening to imagine the self-esteem related issues that may be down the road for little Britney (her mom has Britney convinced she already has "wrinkles" that need the Botox) after a monster parent like Kerry makes her think it's "Botox or I am worthless". Isn't this how the Lindsay Lohans of the world are created? Not only is it emotionally abusive to the child but can cause horrible physical problems for one so young, paralysis of muscles, a distortion of growth in the facial muscle, severe drug reactions etc.

And there are more clue less moms like Kerry out there. Just recently another furor was created when a California mom named Sharon Evans forces her 10 year old daughter, Bree, to take Botox injections in her forehead and lips every two months in an attempt to make Bree more star like in appearance. Sharon is one of those moms who lives life through her child. She wants Bree to be the next child movie star. Mom says these alterations of Bree's face give her a jump in the child beauty pageants that she makes Bree enter. "What I am doing for Bree will make her a star', she has announced to the world.

In addition to her just being a really lousy mothers and role models these two woman who see their children as objects to manipulate, should lose there licenses to be an aesthetician, investigated for child abuse and ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Injecting Botox into a minor's face that comes from a source that she will not reveal... Sigh...Someone should inject Kerry and Sharon with a common sense drug, for they are completely lacking of that substance.

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