Thursday, May 12, 2011

Death By Chocolate Milk

The food police are out and about all over the United States school systems and they're assaulting a sacred item now! It's the noble chocolate milk serving all rational people love to drink. With schools under increasing pressure to offer "healthier food", the staple on children's cafeteria trays has come under attack over the very ingredient that makes it so popular. That would be my favorite food item- sugar. So I come to you to defend chocolate milk, sugar and to denounce food police tactics of finding something tasty and falsely claiming it is running the health of kids and grownups alike.

An increasing number of U.S. school districts have banned flavored milk, with the state of Florida considered a statewide ban in all of it's schools. And the movement is growing. Don't those food policers know that if you take away a child's chocolate milk (almost 70% of all milk that the kids drink in schools is chocolate milk) he or she won't drink anything healthier as an alternative. Just look at the trash cans of cafeterias and you'll find mostly "healthy" foods that taste awful and that kids are dumping. Perhaps the food police want to starve kids, because the more healthy items on the menu the less, they will eat of what is put on their cafeteria tray.

The School Nutrition Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Dietetic Association, American Heart Association, and National Medical Association, argue that the nutritional value of flavored low fat or skim milk ('s bad, but at least it's edible when made chocolaty) outweighs the harm of added sugar. Milk contains nine essential nutrients including calcium, vitamin D and protein. I say, Let them eat cake....err chocolate milk! (Come to think of it...cake isn't a bad item either..hmnmm).

All this banning is the result of kids being too fat in the U.S. But is a serving of chocolate milk really fattening? And when districts who have banned the chocolate milk have seen that kids there drink less milk. Milk consumption drops 35% when flavored milks are removed from the cafeteria. By allowing kids flavored milk, they still get the calcium they need So the food police burn down the barn to kill what they imagine is a rat when they remove chocolate milk.

By the logic of food policers, diet cola, has less sugar than white milk, so maybe the kids should switch from regular milk to to diet cola? Sugar is not a demon. It is just an empty calorie, but causes no hard. For food policers to ban it is stupidity. Fact is, ts not the chocolate milk in the school cafeteria that is making kids fat. It is the gigantic sugar laden soft drinks and snacks that kids consume outside of school that they that, along with a lack of exercise because kids stay "connected" to electronics most of the day and night that schools themselves love, by the way) that is causing obesity. Chocolate milk is like any other food, used in moderation it is greatly beneficial.

Schools should not make decisions on what they will serve in a cafeteria that are based on trendy feel good political correctness . It is a parents responsibility to feed, clothe and shelter their offspring. This includes food selections. Schools have only to serve a reasonable selection for the student's lunch meal. Anything else is just a case of their thinking too much without drinking their chocolate milk.Hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder if it is possible to ban food police stupidity.

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