Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Silly Warning

Here's the dumbest newspaper headline of the day- "Will Japanese cars track radiation back to the U.S.?" Haha I'm not kidding. They really do think their readers are that stupid. Oh, the nonsense that will be thrown at consumers as the result of the nuclear accident in Japan will in many cases defy imagination. Nissan Motors actually did release a statement saying that it's cars aren't nuclear, and the article that told about this latest "fear" claims that the other Japanese car makers will do the same.

Nissan said it has started "this week to initiate the monitoring of vehicles made in Japan for any traces of radioactive material. Looking ahead, we will continue to implement all appropriate measures to reassure the public that all products from our company remain within globally accepted safety standards and until we are confident that any risk of contamination is completely removed."

My God! Only an idiot would think that Japanese cars or other products sold abroad would be filled with radiation. Apparently, the sellers think we are idiots. I hope they are not correct. Run for cover!! Fact is, the sun is hitting the earth with more radiation daily than that which is leaking from the Japanese reactors. Even if one were so uninformed to think that Japanese cars will be contaminated with radiation, that person would have to believe all cars are contaminated, given almost all cars made today have Japanese made components.

The fact that manufacturers have to reassure us about a nonexistent radiation concern shows the information overload effect today. We live in an age of a constant informational barrage. Some of the info is false or exaggerated, but that can still turn into urban myth if we are not careful to discern what we see and read. As media outlets compete to be the most attended to, they report more and more silly items, as in the case of the irradiated Japanese automobile. And there will always be many outlets to report such nonsense.

The public today tends to gather its news without discrimination, favoring trendy news sources and accepting whatever they read or see as being truth. This encourages even major media markets to report idiocy, as in the case of the glowing Japanese autos. Anyway...Haha I always did want a HOT Japanese car. Now I guess I can get one easily

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