Thursday, March 31, 2011

No Immigration Restrictions Anywhere

The U.S. Census bureau last week released census figures that reports that the Hispanic population of United States is now more than 50 million. And it also said the growth in the Hispanic population accounted for almost half this country's population increase in the last 10 years. During the time, the number of Hispanics grew 43 percent. Uh..and those are just the "legal" Hispanics here. Add another 10 to 20 million who are here illegally and one can see the invasion is out of control. Unlike most other immigrant groups, after arriving in the new land many Hispanics prefer to keep their own language and culture. So in a sense, there is becoming a second nation within a nation among those who do not care to assimilate after arrival.

But the U.S. isn't the only industrial nation being over-run by people who come without asking or getting permission. All over Europe there continues to be a mass immigration of poor, uneducated, and culturally foreign immigrants that are making Europeans see changes in their countries that they do not like to view. Too the cost of social welfare programs to support those new immigrants is helping to bankrupt many European countries.

This illegal influx of job seekers from Eastern Europe, Asia, South America and Africa is causing chaos for many Western European governments. Spain's government, for example, has called the level of immigration there "unacceptable". Spain has long been a target of illegal immigrants from North Africa due to its relatively easy access from Morocco. It's similar to the invasion the U.S. gets from Mexico in that most who come use the system more than they contribute to it, given limited education and skill levels of the newcomers.

While the influx of badly educated, low skilled and unsuitable (criminal, drug dealers, gang members, and other social deviates ) into the U.S has been unprecedented during the past 50 years, the European influx is wrecking the economies and causing social problems there. The largest segments of Europe's immigrants are from Muslim countries. They assimilate even less than the United State's Hispanic group, Those insular Muslim communities in Europe are already long past the point of being merely troublesome, already having become an outright danger to the European governments. It has been a long time coming, but some Europeans are finally getting to the point of having had enough of people entering without being invited. More and more Europeans are finally beginning to speak out. But just like in the United Sates, Europe’s politically correct attitudes and platitudes are hard to overcome.

One could examine every Western European nation and find in each a multitude of exasperation there with the inability to stop the immigration that is wrecking their nations. But one example of panic among the established residents right now is in Italy. The Libyan civil war and other African upheavals are sending hordes to Italy.
At Lampedusa, the island off of Sicily where most illegals who arrive by boat are held for processing, more than 3,000 new migrants have arrived in the last three days alone on the island that has a total population of 5,000 residents. Lampedusa lives off tourism and fishing, both of which are threatened by the human invasion.

The residents are fed up with the invaders and with their government's unwillingness to stop the invasion. Local Lampedusa fishermen yesterday pulled the migrants' seized boats across the harbor to block any more refugee boast from landing. It was symbolic, but an indication of the worry there. Islanders knocked over garbage bins along the roads and several women chained themselves together, shouting that the migrants should no longer be brought to shore. Islanders have sent their children to relatives who live elsewhere due to the stench of the garbage left by the vast numbers of migrants in the fields. Lampedusa has forever been despoiled and is a microcosm of what is happened to many nations themselves.

And what does the Italian government have to say about it all? It is asking other European countries to take "their share of the hordes". Good luck on that one. Italy is likely to become Africa's dumping ground just as the U.S. is Mexico's. At this time in most western industrial countries, the consensus world is that any person, possessed of any character and background, has an inalienable right to live where he or she wishes without any reason other than want.

There is no political will to protect the legal inhabitants of nations by enforcing immigration policies that ensure the safety and prosperity of the legal residents, and as a result, western nations are killing not only their cultures and stability but bankrupting themselves. One wonders if the fall of the west will open day be traced to this pen door policy.

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