Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Villain In The Arab World

Quite a bit of that "Changes Are Coming' sounds like my rants. Maybe some one has been secretly reading the rants I send to you. The times are a changing in the Muslim states. All the recent protests and government changes in Muslim countries have indicated that fundamentalist Islamic rule is no longer the glow it used to be for Muslims. And the latest example are some quotes made by Libya's Moammar Gadhafi vows as he futilely tried to fight on against protesters in Libya. Take a look at these quotes from Gadhafi and see the common thread...

"Libyan youth will not follow "agents of foreign intelligence and Muslim fundamentalists."
"If you won't follow Gadhafi, who would you follow -- someone with a beard? Impossible."
"We reject to be ruled by followers of bin Laden."
"I will not let Libya be like Fallujah," (a reference to the Iraqi city that was taken over by al-Qaeda)

One glance and the reader sees that it is not the usual whipping boy "western imperialists" "The United States dogs", "The CIA" or "agents of the west" who get blamed for toppling the thug Gadhafi. No, the blame falls on the fundamentalist Muslims and the warning is to beware that replacing the awful Gadhafi might bring on an even more awful Muslim theocracy in his place. Even in Muslim countries the demon now is fundamentalist Islamic rule.

Is this not the best news to come out of the revolutions in the Mid east and Africa? When the mind set changes in the very places where fundamentalism seethes with hate, the hate and accompanying delusionsal thought and practice will be even more quickly extinguished. Bombs don't kill terrorism as fast as ideas do. Though Gadhafi has been on the outs with many of the fundamentalist groups for some time, that an Arab leader would so clearly disparage them is cause for rejoice everywhere in the world.

Hmmm Maybe we should "praise Allah" for the recent revolutionary events in that region of the world.

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