Saturday, February 27, 2010

Shouldn't Have Killed Those Whales

New on the Global Warming Religion front today. That's right,'Global Warm Front', I peak not of the typical weather warm front we all know about. In the religion of global warming (well, we do have to take all the wild claims by global warmed advocates as based on faith, given there is no empirical evidence yet showing that humans cause a warmer climate) there is an ever increasing, often contradictory number of things that some claim are caused by "global warming".

The latest to make me smile is from a group of scientists (no doubt seeking attention and funding) at the Ocean Sciences meeting in Portland, US who claim..get ready for this one..who claim that the almost two centuries of whaling has caused the release of so much carbon earth temperatures have risen. Haha Whale induced global's an imaginative lame theory, for certain. Whales store carbon within their huge bodies and when they are killed, much of this carbon can be released. But if left to die naturally they take their carbon to the bottom of the ocean where it is stored. Ergo, those wacky members of the global warm religion deduce that global warming has been partly whale inspired.

Are you ready to put your whaling harpoons away? If so, how about giving me your reaction to some other "problems' "global warming" has caused here are a few of the things the Global warmers say are "caused by global warming": increase in agricultural land, decrease in agricultural land, more allergies, more air pressure, melting of the Alp ice cover, loss of the Amazon forest, arctic bog melting, more asthma, more avalanches, fewer avalanches, banana production increased, banana production destroyed, bird confusion, my confusion (I had to add that one, sorry), blizzards and snow increase, rising temperatures and more hurricanes, more brush fires, the re emergence of the bubonic plague, more cardiovascular disease, loss of the bees, caterpillar "confusion" (thank God I am not the only one confused!), vivil unrest, cloud increases, colder and warmer temperatures, coral reefs growing, coral reefs dying, dermatitis, desert advancing, desert retreating, desert life dying, destruction of the environment, diarrhea outbreaks (Yes I know I have long had diarrhea of the mouth but I never knew it was caused by global warming), disappearance of coastal cities, Dolomite mountains collapse, more diseases, drought, fewer ducks and geese, dust bowl in the U.S midwest, earlier spring and pollen season, Earth dying , Earth getting hotter, Earth wobbling or spinning out of control, Earth lopsided, Earth light dimming, Earth melting, Earth upside down, Earth about to explode, more erosion, Europe both colder and warmer (the Global warmers are still deciding which, I guess?), evolution accelerating (maybe I am the missing link?), extinction's of thousands of organisms, famine, better farming conditions, worse farming conditions, better fishing, worse fishing, floods, food poisoning, food price increases, decline of forests, growth of forests, frosts, fungi invasions, gene pool decreases, glacial decreases, glacial growth, death of the Great Barrier Reef, decline of the Great Lakes, greener north, Gulf Stream failure, loss of habitat, more hay fever, fertility in women reduced, human health decline, human health improvement, ice sheet growth, ice sheet shrinkage, islands disappear, invasion of midges, higher insurance premiums, itchier poison ivy, decline of krill, landslide increases, malaria epidemics, migrations of humans and animals, ocean acidification, ozone loss, ozone gain, personal carbon rationing, pest problems (not human pests like me...the animal kind), plankton gain, plankton loss, polar bears cannibalistic, polar bears starve or drown, psycho social disturbances (I am proof of it), more rain, less rain, salmonella problems, more sex changes (I have no idea why?), spider invasion of Scotland (they must like to bite below the kilt), tectonic plate movement, terrorism, tree decline, tree increases, wars over water..................

Ahhhhhhhh, after citing all that nonsense the whale news almost makes sense. Have a "cool" day.

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