Saturday, February 6, 2010

Aging Difficulties

I like the amusing poem Shakespeare wrote, The Seven Ages of man. It purported, tongue in cheek, to how that humans go through even stages in aging and how stage one and stage seven wind up being more similar than different. But in between the 'puking infant stage' and the 'old man with spindly legs' stage, allot goes on with aging that is odd.

Why for example, in some U.S. states can 14 year olds legally marry (with the parent's consent) but those same 14 year olds can't legally drive a car, drink alcohol or join the military in any state? It's a good example of the confusion of ages. Humans are told to "act your age" but what does that mean? I know that a 6 year old girl who plays with Barbie dolls is acting her age, and a 25 year old girl doing the same isn't. Interest spans determine those kinds of age definitions.

But what about the arbitrary age rules society imposes on us but seem incongruous.Need some examples of age confusion? In the U.S one must be at least 35 years old to be president. But to be a Congressman he or she need be only 25 years old. Why the difference? If a married couple aged 16 each wanted to see an R rated movie at the theater, they couldn't. Strange, huh. You have to be 18 years old to vote in the U.S. now. But 30 years ago a voter had to be 21 year of age. Does this mean people are three years more mature now than those of 30 years ago?

And why are their "elderly" seating sections in buses? Is everyone over 65 so infirm they have to have special seating. Too, how did the elderly one get to the bus in the first place? No doubt he or she was capable of walking to the bus and is also capable of sitting where ever he or she finds a seat.

Why do senior citizens and kids under 12 get discounts at events, like a movie. Do people under 12 or over 65 behave so differently at the theater that they deserve a lower admission price. When dating a younger woman or man are there not many who snicker at "the age difference", as if age is the single criteria for finding love. And why are infants 'cute' but toddlers are "terrors"?

Age is a confusing subject. I wonder how old we would be if we didn't know how old we were. We probably would be better off because we wouldn't decide so much our our choice based on our age. Well, I just hope I make it to 100 so I can be a kid again...yep, wear diapers, blurt out whatever I want, lose my memory and be swaddled by a nurse 80 years my junior.

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