Friday, July 21, 2017

I Can't Believe She Did It

Since I moved to Oregon six years ago I have solidified my first impressions of the people of the state,. Some of them are nuts! They sometimes embrace the most odd positions of believe and behave in  even more odd ways. Most of the time it's because the state has an exceedingly high rate of pot and other users. They are the kind of people who would not only believe the leftist fantasies about President Trump having  devious ties to Russian but also think Trump is Russian. Sometimes I shake my head at what I see here. 

And here is a typical example of that. An Oregon woman from Springfield named Alana Donaghue, 27, has been charged with two counts of reckless endangerment of her three children after multiple drivers reported seeing Alana driving her car as it  towed her three children,- her 2-year-old daughter, 4-year-old son and 8-year-old nephew  in a small, plastic red wagon going around a busy roundabout multiple times during rush hour. She was towing children behind her white Ford Taurus in a wagon attached with a rope, according to  Lt. Scott McKee, a spokesperson for Springfield Police Department.

I am not kidding! There are humans as brain addled as Alana out there, and their children are learning  from them. Police said clue less Alana told them that she was "showing the kids a good time," and only driving 5 miles per hour. Maybe the family gun was out of reach that day and Alana couldn't let the kiddies play Russian Roulette. Anyway, it' more fun to kill the kids with a car, a guess.

According to Lt. McKee, "I talked to a witness today that said she saw them go by her house in their neighborhood and they were going like 30 miles an hour," Lt. McKee said. A witness reported the youngest child begin to cry after the wagon went up on two wheels during the trip. "That same witness reported observing Alana pull over and move the toddler from the wagon to the car and then continue driving with the 4-year-old and the 8-year-old still in the wagon," police said. Other witnesses told officials that Alana was holding up very heavy traffic (stupid people do stupid things at the worst was rush hour when she towed the kids) and then yelling at motorists, telling them to get out of her way and mind their own business.

Once apprehended police evaluated Alana at the scene and arrested. She did not appear to be under the influence of intoxicants. What? I can't believe they said that. In drug infused Oregon drugs are most often the excuse of bizarre behavior. There are manyyyyyyyy drug altered people here. But this leads to a simple observation  about the, "She did not appear to be under the influence of intoxicants." That is, she must  be just plain stupid.

Fortunately, the Oregon Department of Human Services placed Alana's children with another more competent person. As you might expect, there is no dad in the lives of the kids because even we men are not stupid enough to live with an person like Alana. And the good news is that Alana was "towed' to the Springfield Municipal Jail. After she is tired and convicted,  I think the judge should take a way Alana's car and make her transport herself on a horse for the next few years.

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